Market Research translation


Survey translations: We have extensive experience in translating surveys. Whether these are online survey, telephone interviews (CATI) or face-to-face surveys, we offer quality translation services and expert advice to cater for these.

We also have the software, technology and expertise to work with various file formats such as ConfirmIT, SPSS, Nebu and Firefly, as well as various other platforms. We understand the need for quick turnaround, quality work and valuable advice with regards to localisation for certain countries and cultures, in order that the surveys are suitable and attractive to their target market.

Overlay: We offer an overlay service, where we take the already translated text and overlay it into the desired file format compatible with the client’s software.

Testlink QA: The final stage before going live with the survey. We provide full checks of the online survey, checking the flow, punctuation, spelling, accuracy and for any other potential errors which could have crept in to the survey, in order for the survey to be confirmed ready to be launched into field.

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