Additional Services

Desktop Publishing
As well as translation, we offer professional Desktop Publishing (DTP) services. Working with various design software packages, we are able to produce diagrams, leaflets, posters and images identical to the source file, but containing the translated text in the languages required.

Videoclips are becoming increasingly popular in marketing and advertising. We provide translation of subtitles for such videos, into a large selection of languages. As with our other translation work, subtitles are translated and proofread by professional, qualified native speakers. Furthermore, we check the subtitles are synchronised with the video and of an appropriate length and content.

Brand and Linguistic Marketing Consultancy
When launching a product or service in another country, there are many linguistic and cultural pitfalls which can directly affect its success. We use in-country, experienced marketing linguists to advise on this. Such things may include: selecting the correct colours for product designs or advertising in order to convey the correct message; checking of logos to ensure they do not look similar to any cultural or language symbols; checking of brand names to discover any positive or negative connotations both visually and phonetically and translation and checking of slogans.